Layer preferences

Use Layer preferences to define the default settings for new layers you create. Choose Edit > Preferences and then click Layers to change Layer preferences.

Tag Determines the default tag used to define the layer. SPAN and DIV create CSS layers; LAYER and ILAYER create Netscape layers.

Visibility Determines whether layers are visible by default.

Width and Height Set the default width and height of layers created by Insert > Layer.

Background Color Specifies the default background color.

Background Image Specifies a default background image.

Nesting Makes a layer drawn within the boundaries of an existing layer a nested layer. Press Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) to temporarily change this setting while you're drawing a layer.

Netscape 4 Compatibility Inserts JavaScript in the HEAD of a document and fixes how Netscape CSS layers resize in a browser. You can also add or remove the JavaScript, by choosing Commands > Add/Remove Netscape Resize Fix.